Polish Chamber of Exhibition Industry is the originator of the idea toestablish the Global Day of Exhibitions – as an annual holiday of thestakeholders of the exhibition industry. PCEI suggests the date of the GlobalDay of Exhibitions to be April 15. The proposed date is not accidental. April15, 1925, is the day of founding UFI – the Global Association of the ExhibitionIndustry, the leading exhibition association in the world. The initiative of Polish Chamber of Exhibition Industry has a promotionaland educational character. The aim of the Global Day of Exhibitions is, aboveall, to increase the role of exhibitions as an efficient instrument of businesscommunication and marketing and to promote the role of exhibitions in theeconomic development of cities, regions and countries. – The concept of the Global Day of Exhibitions emphasizes their importancefor the economic development. Direct relations and contacts so typical ofexhibitions and trade fairs build trust in business and facilitate itsdevelopment – says one of the initiators of the idea, Adam Gabrysiak, theVice-President of the Board of the Chamber. – We hope that the Global Day of Exhibitions will attract the attention ofthe international business, the public, and the media, to the institutions andthe exhibitions industry. I think this holiday will be a good occasion to honorthose who work for the benefit of exhibitions – says Andrzej Byrt, thePresident of the Board of Polish Chamber of Exhibition Industry. Source: Polish Chamber of Exhibitions Industry