Students of the Poznań University of Economics took the exhibition exam again. The Global Exhibitions Day among the exam topics.

Students of the Poznań University of Economics once again visited the venue of Poznań International Fair. A traditional exam taken in the classroom was replaced by a presentation delivered in front of a jury consisting of exhibition sector experts. This unusual form of examination is the result of cooperation between Polish Chamber of Exhibition Industry and Poznań International Fair with the Poznań academia. The presentations were prepared within the framework of the subject International Trade Fairs and Exhibition conducted by Prof. Henryk Mruk, am outstanding specialist at trade fair marketing, for the students of International Economic Relations. This form of getting a credit for the course was chosen by almost 130 students who worked in teams of several people. Extensive knowledge and high quality of presentations This year the jury was again positively surprised by the high level of presentations. – Given our years of experience in the organization of this form of examination I am able to say that the level of this year’s works was the highest. All presentations were well prepared substantially and formally. Once again we saw that the current trends and exhibition-related issues are familiar to the students. They feel comfortable dealing with the aspects of social media and new technologies as well as with the problems of start-ups, artificial intelligence, education of children and animal protection. – Prof. Henryk Mruk commented on this year’s presentations. Przemysław Trawa, the Chairman of Poznań International Fair and the President of Polish Chamber of Exhibition Industry talked to the students and thanked them for their participation and preparation for the exam. – In my view, all the presentations were very interesting and carefully prepared. Their visual aspect was also very good. We also noticed attention to the dress code and the great presentation of the students, which made the exam more formal and charming at the same time., said P. Trawa. The Global Exhibitions Day appealed to students The topics related to exhibitions the students could choose from included the Global Exhibitions Day for the first time. – I am glad that the Global Exhibitions Day was selected by two groups of students. One of today’s presentations stressed the role of exhibitions as an instrument of innovativeness. Promoting the importance of exhibitions in this aspects is one of the key messages of the global UFI campaign carried out jointly with exhibition associations from several dozen countries. Polish Chamber of Exhibition Industry is one of the originators of the action and a member of the GED task force in UFI. The Global Exhibitions Day will be celebrated again on June 7, 2017, but the topic has accompanied all our actions for several weeks now. – said Marzenna Łukaszewicz, PCEI Executive Director, who chaired one of the three examinations committees. Source: Polish Chamber of Exhibition Industry, December 15, 2016.