Save the date: Exhibition Industry EU Dialogue 2018 in Brussels on 21 February 2018

Many of the topics on the political agenda today may have strategic and practical implications on our operating environment, the way we do business and how the industries of our exhibitions serve will develop. Therefore, it is vital to monitor these matters. EEIA will hold its second Exhibition Industry EU Dialogue 2018 for all interested members to engage with Brussels policy makers, to gain a deeper understanding how decisions are made, to know the details of the plans or decisions that influence our business , and to make our own industry’s voice heard. Brussels plans and institutions and the second Exhibition Industry EU Dialogue 21 February 2018 During the first half of 2018, Bulgaria will preside over the Council of the EU. The Bulgarian Presidency will work with its partners on increasing unity among the member states and the EU institutions in order to provide concrete solutions that will help build a stronger, more secure and solidary Europe. The presidency will focus on four key areas: the future of Europe and young people, the Western Balkans, security and stability and the digital economy. These priorities are embedded in a wider 18-month programme set by the so-called trio, a group of three EU Member states. The current trio is made up of the presidencies of Estonia, Bulgaria and Austria. Additionally the European Commission works according to a programme to complete the work on President Juncker’s political priorities before the end of its mandate in 2019, as well as a series of forward-looking initiatives for the future of Europe with 27 Member states. To boost jobs, growth and investment, the Commission will deliver on the Circular Economy Action Plan, and work to complete the Digital Single Market, the Energy Union, the Capital Markets Union, the Economic and Monetary Union and the Banking Union. An initiative on fair taxation in the digital economy, a social fairness package, and a proposal to improve the EU food supply chain will all contribute to a deeper internal market with a strengthened industrial base. The Commission will also target new measures to complete the Security Union and deliver on the EU Agenda on Migration and the Global Strategy, and will strengthen the Union Civil Protection Mechanism. The Commission will pursue its balanced and progressive trade policy to harness globalisation by finalising agreements with Japan, Singapore and Vietnam, and will pursue negotiations with Mexico and Mercosur. A more united Union will require a credible enlargement perspective for candidates in the Western Balkans. To build a stronger Union, the Commission will table a proposal for the future Multi-Annual Financial Framework and will also propose more efficient Single Market law-making and more efficiency and consistency in implementing the Common Foreign Policy. For a more democratic Union, proposals will be made for the creation of a permanent and accountable European Minister of Economy and Finance, an initiative to further enhance subsidiarity and proportionality, and a communication on enhancing efficiency. The Commission also aims at completing its Better Regulation Agenda, ensuring that it acts only where the EU brings added value. The European Parliament is an important forum for political debate and decision-making at the EU level. It acts as a co-legislator, sharing with the Council the power to adopt and amend legislative proposals and to decide on the EU budget. It also supervises the work of the Commission and other EU bodies. The Members of the European Parliament are directly elected by voters in all Member States.At present, one can perceive that the Parliament is already starting to prepare for the 2019 elections with discussions on procedures and the concept of top candidates. After Brexit, the number of Members of Parilament may be cut from 751 to 705, and 46 of the 73 UK seats could be held in reserve for possible pan-European lists and EU enlargement. The remaining 27 UK seats could be shared out among 14 under-represented EU countries. A final decision is still to be taken. You are kindly invited to the upcoming event in Brussels on 21 February 2018. For information, please contact or . Source: UFI Info, UFI – the Global Association of the Exhibition Industry,