Polish Chamber of Exhibition Industry – 20 years of experience and success

In 2013 Polish Chamber of Exhibition Industry, the only national and most important organization of the exhibition industry in Poland, was celebrating the 20th Anniversary of the self-government of entrepreneurs operating in the exhibition sector. The crowning moment of the celebration was the Anniversary Gala held on October 28, 2013, in the Ministry of the Economy in Warsaw, attended by the Deputy Prime Minister, the Minister of the Economy, Mr. Janusz Piechociński. The Gala was a perfect opportunity to summarize the achievements of PCEI, which since the beginning of its existence has integrated the Polish exhibition environment and lobbied for popularization and support of the concept of exhibitions by national and local authorities, as well as for the endorsement of the idea by public figures representing the world of politics, the economy and science. The Honorary Committee In connection with the celebrated anniversary, the Chamber appointed the Honorary Committee inviting many outstanding persons from the world of politics, the economy, science and the media who, through their actions, have always supported the idea of exhibitions and were instrumental in their development. All of them accepted the invitation and agreed to represent the chamber during this important occasion. The Committee is chaired by Mr. Janusz Piechociński, the Minister of the Economy, the Deputy Prime Minister. The Committee members are Mr. Adam Szejnfeld, MP, of the Parliamentary Committee of the Economy; representatives of the Polish Chamber of Commerce: Mr. Andrzej Arendarski, the President of the Polish Chamber of Commerce and Mr. Tadeusz Donocik, former Deputy Minister of the Economy, the President of the Regional Chamber of Commerce in Katowice; the laureates of the PCEI Title Exhibition Ambassador : Mr. Waldemar Pawlak, former Deputy Prime Minister and the Minister of the Economy, MP, Mr. Wojciech Lubawski, the Mayor of Kielce, Mr. Ryszard Grobelny, the Mayor of Poznań. The composition of the Honorary Committee also includes the representatives of the Academia, i.e. Prof Henryk Mruk of Poznań University of Economics and Marcin Gębarowski PhD. of Rzeszów University of Technology. The media are represented by Mr. Grzegorz Kiszluk, the Editor-in-Chief of Brief magazine. 20 busy years The Anniversary Gala was a perfect occasion to summarize the 20 years of accomplishments of Polish Chamber of Exhibition Industry which since the beginning of its existence has integrated the Polish exhibition environment and lobbied for popularization and support of the concept of exhibitions by national and local authorities, as well as for the endorsement of the idea by public figures representing the world of politics, the economy and science. The Chamber today consists of 72 business entities, including 22 organizers of exhibitions and operators of exhibition venues from 15 cities, organizers of participation of Polish companies in exhibitions abroad, companies which design, construct and equip exhibition stands, transport and forwarding companies, as well as providers of exhibition-related services. These years of intensive growth made PCEI the most important organization of the exhibition industry in Poland. During the 20 years of operations of the Polish exhibition self-government, over 23 million people in Poland experienced exhibitions as the most effective tool of marketing and business communication as well as the instrument of internationalization of small and medium enterprises and promotion of export. The last 20 years witnessed an epic growth of the exhibition industry in Poland, the formation of many new exhibition centers, where several hundred trade fairs and exhibitions are held annually, which play a great role not only in the development of individual trade fair cities and regions but also the whole Polish economy. The participants of the Gala received the Anniversary Report Exhibitions in Poland 2012, which not only provided valuable information and data on the condition of the exhibition industry in 2012, but also summarized the activities of the Chamber in the last twenty years. On this occasion, PCEI also launched of the new version of the website www.polfair.com.pl. Discussion Panel Just before the Anniversary Gala, there was a press breakfast organized under the patronage of Gazeta Prawna Daily. The representatives of the exhibition industry discussed the value of exhibitions as an importantl marketing tool and the future of the exhibition industry. The participants of the discussions were: Mr. Andrzej Byrt, the President of PCEI and Poznań International fair. Ms. Żaneta Berus, the Vice-President of PCEI and the President of Warsaw Expo Center XXI, Mr. Maciej Glamowski, Member of the Board of PCEI and the Vice-President of Gdańsk International Fair, Ms. Grażyna Grabowska, the President of Targi w Krakowie, Mr. Paweł Babij, the President of Interservis and Mr. Mirosław Pietrucha, the Director of the Exhibition and Conference Center in Opole. The program of the Anniversary Gala During the Gala, Mr, Janusz Piechociński presented state decorations, pursuant to the resolutions of the President of the Republic of Poland, Mr. Bronisław Komorowski, at the request of the Minister of the Economy and the Minister of Foreign Affair, to persons who rendered great services to the development of the exhibition self-government and exhibitions in Poland. The Deputy Prime Minister Mr. Janusz Piechociński also presented the Honorary Title of the Exhibition Ambassador 2012 to Mr. Ryszard Grobelny, the Mayor of Poznań. This title has been presented by the Chamber since 2011. It is a special recognition of the exhibition industry through which the Chamber acknowledges the role and engagement of persons from the world of business, science or politics who help to develop the exhibition industry in Poland and popularize the idea of exhibitions. Additionally, the Exhibition Ambassadors, Members of the Chamber and Honorary Members received 20th Anniversary Commemorative Medallions. Source: Polish Chamber of Exhibition Industry, November 2013