PCEI in the forefront of the global exhibition industry

One of the issues currently dealt with by the Associations Committee of UFI – the Global Association of the Exhibition Industry, is the UFI Report on the research of the impact of exhibitions on the economic development. The Report will include important aspects of unique studies conducted in few European countries: in Great Britain, France, Germany, and in Poland – by Polish Chamber of Exhibition Industry. It will also contain a proposal of standardized terminology and methodology of research so that it could assist other exhibition organizations in the world. For many years now, Polish Chamber of Exhibition Industry has conducted a wide range of promotional activities, including also many complex projects, whose execution involved both competent specialists and sizeable financial resources. Such projects include the study of the impact of exhibitions on the national economy conducted in 2008-2009, jointly by PCEI, headed by the then President Mr. Bogusław Zalewski, and by Centrum Ekspertyz Gospodarczych of Poznań University of Economics Foundation, headed by Jerzy Kuczyński, PhD. The current synthesis of the study The Impact of Exhibition Industry in Poland on the Economy – Synthesis , prepared by the experts of the CEG Institute in May 2013, was recently presented to UFI by PCEI. The unique character of the Polish study, including the interesting methodology, according to the opinion of international experts, resulted in high evaluation of the Polish initiative whose results will be included in the UFI Report, which will be an important auxiliary resource in lobbying activities for the exhibition industry in the European Union. At present, PCEI commissioned Centrum Ekspertyz Gospodarczych to conduct additional analyses of the empirical material gathered during the research. The obtained data will allow for presentation of the Polish study to the global exhibition community during the 80th UFI Congress in Seoul in November 2013. Polish Chamber of Exhibition Industry and its Members use the content of the publication The Impact of the Exhibition Industry in the Economy – Synthesis during promotional and lobbying activities aimed at raising awareness of the positive influence of the exhibition industry on the economy of the whole country. We hope that the result of our work will significantly improve the contacts between the entities operating in the exhibition sector and the stakeholders around us. Source: Polish Chamber of the Exhibition Industry, 2013.