PCEI 2014 Winter Meeting in Gniew

On 26-28 of November, 2014, the annual Winter Meeting of the Members of Polish Chamber of Exhibition Industry was held. This time the participants convened in the historical Castle in Gniew. In the old chambers of the castle, over 60 trade fair specialists from Poland, Hungary and Ukraine discussed the current situation of the exhibition industry in Poland and in the world, as well as its future. Busy schedule The program of the PCEI Conference covered a number of interesting lectures given by experts of the exhibition sector, as well as specialists in legal matters and in EU fund acquirement. The possibilities of obtaining funds for the expenses in the exhibition sector in the new Financial Framework 2014-2020 was the topic of the presentation given by specialists from STRATEGOR Wielkopolskie Centrum Ekspertyz Finansowych, currently the leader in European advisory, for many years ranked among the best EU advisory companies in Poland. The topic of the codes of good practices as a legal tool on the market of services in the European Union was elaborated on by Bogumił Sieczkowski Esq. from the legal office Obligo Sieczkowski i Spółka from Łódź. He also presented the results of the works carried out by PCEI team, which he supervised, aimed at drawing up the Code of Good Practices in the Exhibition Industry. The presentations were widely commented on by the participants of the Meeting and gave rise to many interesting discussions. The participants of the PCEI Conference also took part in a program debate consisting of two parts, one held in trade sections and the other with the participation of all the delegates. The topics under discussion were the most urgent needs and directions of development of the Chamber, the current situation of the exhibition industry in Poland and in the world, as well as the future of the sector. One of the key topics is currently the lobbying for the reinstating the so-called priority certificate from exhibitions in Poland. The Extraordinary General Meeting of PCEI On the last day of the PCEI Winter Meeting, the Extraordinary General Meeting of the Chamber was held during which, due to the resignation of Mr. Andrzej Byrt from the post of the President of the Board of PCEI, who on January 1st will assume the post of the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Poland in the French Republic and the Principality of Monaco, the by-election to the Board of PCEI was organized. Przemysław Trawa, who is also the Vice-Chairman of Poznań International Fair, was unanimously elected as the new Member of the Board of PCEI. Work and pleasure Winter Meetings of PCEI are one the few occasions in a year for the representatives of the sector to meet in a larger group and to think together about important aspects, problems and plans related to the development of the exhibition industry in Poland. The extensive program of the 2014 Meeting in Gniew also included some time for integration, which is one of the most important aspects of this annual sector event. Also this year PCEI organized an attractive entertainment program and an attractive location, selecting beautiful and historical location of the Castle in Gniew. The program of the meeting, between the seminars, included the tour of the castle with a guide and some leisure time, while the Surprise Dinner – Travel Back in Time on Thursday, November 27, was the biggest attraction in the history of PCEI Winter Meetings. The guests were welcomed by a gun salute in the castle and then, in the atmosphere of a traditional Polish feast, had an occasion to experience wonderful food, drinks and… sabers. The participants of the PCEI Winter Meeting have no doubts that this Meeting will stay in their memory for a long time! Source: Polish Chamber of Exhibition Industry, fot. Marcin Melanowicz