Poznan International Fair (MTP) signed an agreement with the Ministry of the Environment, under which MTP will take care of the logistic organization of the Climate Conference − COP24 − the most important global forum devoted to global climate policy. The decision to entrust MTP with the technical and logistics organization is a confirmation of the competence of the company and a very high position among the organizers of the most important events in Poland.
The next 24th session of the Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP24), along with the 14th session of the Meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (CMP 14) and the 1st (Part 3) Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of parties to the Paris Agreement (CMA1.3) will be held in Katowice from 3 to 14 December 2018. The capital of Silesia will be visited by nearly 30,000 representatives of all the Parties to the Convention (196 countries and the EU) to decide on further action to protect the climate and the operation of the Convention.
COP24 will be attended by presidents, prime ministers, representatives of governments, diplomacy and non-governmental organizations, scientists, activists, business representatives and other groups interested in issues related to the climate. The COP Conference will be accompanied by scientific, social, but also commercial events serving as a forum for presentation and exchange of ideas, innovations, strategies and solutions to combat global warming.
Poznań International Fair will be responsible for the critical part of the preparations for the event, including: construction of temporary conference rooms, marking of the conference area, construction and operation of the computer, ICT and energy system for the purposes of the event. The plans include arrangement of space with an area of nearly 32.5 thousand m2.
The decision to entrust the preparation for the climate summit to MTP was made in a procedure carried out by the Ministry of Environment. Poznan International Fair has extensive experience organizing annually 100 trade events and a number of congresses and conferences around the world, and has twice been involved in the organization of the climate summit in Poland. In December 2008, Poznan International Fair and the Poznań Congress Center located on MTP fairgrounds hosted the 14th UN Climate Change Conference on Climate Change. MTP’s highest organisational quality was then appreciated by the representatives of the United Nations, the Polish government and the participants of the event. And the Ministry of the Environment entrusted MTP with the implementation of the most important part of preparations for the next UN Climate Summit − COP19, which was held at the National Stadium in Warsaw in 2013.
During nearly 100 years of operation in the meetings industry, Poznan International Fair has been bringing together people from all over the world. Its portfolio includes trade fairs, cultural and sports events as well as congresses and conferences, which annually attract over 1.1 million visitors. Today MTP is also an event organizer providing comprehensive marketing, catering and space arrangement services.
MTP is an organizer and host of conferences, congresses, as well as religious, cultural, sports and corporate events. MTP fairgounds hosted, among others, events such as the FDI World Dental Congress, Directions EMEA or the meeting of representatives of Microsoft Dynamics NAV partners from around the world, the National Assembly, events within the framework of Polish Presidency of the EU and the European Taize meeting.
MTP is the leader among the organizers of trade fairs in Central and Eastern Europe which are visited by guests from all over the world. All fairs for the most important Polish export industries are held here: Meble Polska Furniture Fair (furniture), Polagra Food (food), Budma (woodwork), Motor Show, TTM (automative) and ITM (metal industry).