Launch of Sector Promotion Programs

The Ministry of Development launched the next edition of Sector Promotion Programs (SPP). Each program covers promotional activities for businesses, as part of which they are able to obtain funds from the Smart Growth Program (measures 3.3.2 and 3.3.3). Sectors with already approved promotional programs are: • medical equipment, • IT/ICT, • cosmetics, • yachts and recreational boats, • furniture, • Polish food specialities, • pro-health services, Scopes of programs for the 5 remaining sectors (machines and appliances, biotechnology and pharmaceuticals, Polish fashion, construction and finishing works in building structures, automotive and aviation parts) are being prepared. The next contest for the support for companies within the sub-measure 3.3.3 PO IR will be announced on October 10, 2016. Participation in the promotional programs will allow micro, small and medium enterprises to expand into new long-term markets outside the EU, which are often distant and costly, and which have not been taken into account in export plans so far due to existing risks and costs. In most of those markets, promotional activities of Polish companies will be backed with information and media actions which will reinforce the promotional message. All actions undertaken as part of the program will be backed by the concept of the Brand of the Polish Economy so as to build brand awareness and strengthen its position in markets abroad.