János Barabás (chairman of CENTREX, Hungary) has been elected Chair of the UFI Associations’ Committee which gathers 50 national and interna-tional exhibition associations in our global community. Peter Neven (AUMA) is re-elected as Vice-Chair. The new Chair will take office after the next Associations’ Committee meeting in Bogota on 31 October 2014. The Committee thanked Andres Lopez Valderrama, UFI Incoming Presi-dent, for his valued input during the course of his mandate as Chair from 2010 to 2014. Knowledge share in the Associations’ Committee Representatives from 11 national or regional associations* met in St. Petersburg on 30 June. In addition to the usual update on UFI activities designed to provide useful information for asso-ciations to relay to their members, 2 additional items were presented and discussed: • activities and challenges facing national associations by Sergey Alexeev, President of RUEF (Russian Federation), and by Joyce DiMascio for EEAA (Australia); and • cooperation between the UFI Associations’ Committee and the UFI Operations Ser-vices Committee, in the presence of Andreas Winckler, Chair of the UFI Operations Ser-vices Committee. * AEFI (Italy), AFIDA (Latin America), AUMA (Germany), CENTREX (Hungary), EEAA (Australia), EEIA/EMECA (EU), IEIA (India), IFES (Belgium), MACEOS (Malaysia), RUEF (Russian Federation) and SCEIA (Shanghai, China).