Almost 1.5 million visitors, 29 thousand exhibitors and over 760 thousand square meters of contracted space at more than two hundred events – these are the numbers describing trade fairs and exhibitions in 2015. Exhibitions in Poland are experiencing a specific form of renaissance and their level equals events organized in Germany, the United States or China. Poznań, Gdańsk and Krakow are important points in the calendars of exhibitors ad visitors from Poland and abroad. Only the United States organize 1.8 million trade fairs and exhibitions and there are many more held around the world. The development of modern technologies and e-commerce has not and will not replace direct relations. During exhibitions, the key role is played by meetings between exhibitors and visitors, between constructors, inventors and representatives of companies which are interested in production of various types of innovative devices and technologies presented at exhibitions. Exhibitions offer a perfect environment for this. After all, exhibitions offer much more. For several years the exhibition market in Poland has been developing and showing upward trends. This is mainly influenced by the improved economic situations confirmed by the steady growth of GDP, as well as the membership of Poland in the European Union and the advantageous geopolitical location of our country. The improved situation has been experienced by entrepreneurs, above all by small and medium-sized companies, whose share in the total number of exhibitors in Poland has always been significant. As many as 84% of them see the participation is specialist exhibitions in our country as an effective methods of achieving marketing and communication objectives. – Exhibitions in Poland play a major role as the venue for international trade and for sale of products and services. Statistics prove the appeal and the usefulness of Polish exhibitions as an instrument of business communication and marketing for entrepreneurs – exhibitors and visitors from Poland and abroad – says Przemysław Trawa – President of the Board of Polish Chamber of Exhibition Industry. Exhibitions are in vogue Data by PCEI show the continuous upward trend in the number of visitors and exhibitors. In 2015 exhibitions were attended by 15% more visitors than in 2014. What is more, there are more and more exhibitors who represent foreign markets. The share of foreign exhibitors at events organized in Poland has grown by 7%. – The form of exhibitions in Poland is evolving following the expectations of customers and the global trends. e.g. there are many more accompanying events, such as specialist conferences and seminars attended by experts from various sectors, as well as entertainment events. Additionally, Polish exhibitions host exhibitors and visitors in attractive, modern, fully equipped and professionally managed exhibition and conference venues. In the recent years many of them have been extended and modernized and many new ones have been opened – adds Przemysław Trawa. Exhibitions offer more! This is the main slogan of the national campaign by Polish Chamber of Exhibition Industry. It should reinforce the positive image of exhibitions as an important marketing tool. Its aim is to persuade the Poles that regardless of the age, interests and profession, everyone can find something interesting at exhibitions. Thanks to them visitors and, above all, entrepreneurs gain new customers, save time, gain new knowledge and contacts, and develop their passions. Exhibitions offer more: money, contacts, knowledge – this will be the main message of the authors of the campaign which will include, among others, the screening of spots in Multikino cinema chain, television and online promotion. At the order of PCEI, the campaign is being prepared by PRC Group. Source: Polish Chamber of Exhibition Industry, October, 2016.