3rd European Parliament of Enterprrises

Businesses will soon take over the European Parliament. On September 16, 751 business representatives from 28 European countries and 18 countries from outside EU will gather in the hemicycle of the European Parliament in Brussels for the third edition of the European Parliament of Enterprises. They will „become Members of the European Parliament for one day. The European Parliament of Enterprises is organised every two years by EUROCHAMBRES, the Association of European Chambers of Commerce and Industry, in cooperation with its network of national Chambers. The European Parliament of Enterprises is the largest event at EU level that gives the floor directly to entrepreneurs, allowing them to provide politicians with bottom – up feedback on EU policies. Entrepreneurs from all sizes and sectors of business, acting as Members of the Parliament, will vote on crucial topics currently debated at EU level, by which they are directly affected. The aim is to help define the business agenda for the new EU legislative term. Topics will be treated in four different sessions. Session 1 – Internationalisation: global economic growth, free trade agreements, third markets, European Economic Diplomacy. Session 2 – Skills:vocational education and training, youth unemployment, skills mismatch. Session 3 – Finance: access to finance, equity financing, crowdfunding, late payments. Session 4 – Energy: energy efficiency, climate change, competitiveness. Topics within each session will be a subject to a 50 minutes debate each and will include the following questions: INTERNATIONALISATION: Do you believe that the EU Single Market is sufficiently integrated, allowing your company to operate and compete freely ? Do you believe that free trade negotiations should also include social, environmental and ethical standards to ensure a level playing field ? Do you believe that the EU should develop a stronger European Economic Diplomacy, advocating and defending our common economic interests on global markets? Do you believe the EU should protect its industry more strongly against trade distortions/unfair competition, e.g. with tougher trade defence rules ? Do you believe a free trade agreement with the US (TTIP) could benefit EU companies? SKILLS: Do you believe that member states should undertake reforms necessary to ensure a strong provision of work-based learning? Do you believe that the EU should create a pan-European mobility programme for job-seekers in order to fight youth unemployment? Do you believe that more should be done at EU level to strengthen the provision of apprenticeship schemes across the member states? Do you believe that the EU should encourage a better balance between academic and vocational education? FINANCE: Do you believe that national governments do enough to fix the problem of late payments between public bodies and business? Do you believe that member states should commit to a common EU SME guarantee instrument? Do you believe that access to finance has become more difficult due to increased regulatory costs for the banking sector? Do you believe that tax regimes should be more equity investment friendly? Do you believe that a lack of quantification of intangible assets hinders innovative businesses’ competitiveness and access to credit? ENERGY: Do you believe that the EU should only pursue ambitious climate change mitigation policies if other major international economies make comparable commitments? Do you believe that the competitiveness of energy- and emission-intensive industries is sufficiently addressed in EU energy and climate policies? Do you believe that the internal market for energy should be completed as soon as possible? Do you believe that the EU and member states should devise a more cost-effective strategy for the uptake of renewable energy? Do you believe that the EU and member states should devise a more flexible and innovation-based approach to increase energy efficiency? „Less than one month before the start of the next EU term, the European Parliament of Enterprises will give the floor to the business community. In real time, business men and women will be able to set the tone for how the European policies affecting their enterprises could and should contribute to a more business-friendly Europe”, said Richard Weber, President of EUROCHAMBRES. Martin SCHULZ, President of the European Parliament, has already confirmed his participation. Further information: Mrs Sophie Devos, Tel. +32 2 282 08 72, devos@eurochambres.eu Press contact: Ms. Susete Sampaio, Tel.+32 2 282 08 56, Mob. +32 491 27 91 60, sampaio@eurochambres.eu Official website of the European Parliament of Enterprises: www.parliament-of-enterprises.eu Follow the EPE on Twitter with #EPE2014. Source: European Parliament of Enterprises, www.parliament-of-enterprises.eu